Angela Ghannam

Angela Ghannam
Family Law AttorneySteslicki and Ghannam PLC
217 Ann Arbor Rd Ste 306Plymouth, MI. 48170
Work Phone: (734) 294-5602
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Angela Ghannam has been a licensed attorney in the State of Michigan since 2009. A graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy, both undergrad and its School of Law, she is also trained in mediation and collaborative divorce by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education.
Angela has been selected to Thompson Reuter’s Super Lawyers Rising Star in the Area of Family law in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, an honor that goes to less than 2.5% of attorneys in the State of Michigan. Angela participated on the advisory board of a local women’s business council, and was the President of the local Bar Association from 2015-to 2016, participated on the Henry Ford Community College Paralegal program advisory board, and volunteered at the FAMD animal shelter as well as fostering several animals in need.